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Tidio's tools and features

See how Tidio can help your business

Live Chat

Simple. Beautiful. Powerful. Both for your clients, and your team. Combine it with Flows and Lyro AI Chatbot to unlock its full potential.

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Live Chat
Live Chat
  • Live typing

    Cut down your reply times by previewing what users write before they hit the "send" button and preparing your answer

  • Canned responses

    Create a library of common answers and use them to reply in seconds

  • Attachments

    Send supported files via chat: .jpg .jpeg .png .txt .rtf .xlsx .docx .pdf .gif, and videos

  • Offline message

    Inform your clients that you're not available and collect their email to respond later

  • Pre-chat survey

    Collect the client's data before the chat starts

  • Multilanguage

    Add multiple languages to your widget

  • Transcripts

    Save transcripts to your device or send them to clients via email

  • Tags and contact properties

    Store your customer data in one place. Add tags and contact details so you can personalize your conversations and improve customer experience

  • Live visitor list

    See all your website visitors and the pages they're browsing in real-time. Offer custom advice based on their activity.

  • Chat page

    Send your customers to a dedicated chat window instead of talking with them through the widget

  • Operating hours

    Set your working hours and let visitors know when they can find you online

  • Measure customer satisfaction

    Collect feedback and assess the quality of your customer service

  • Read receipt

    See if the visitor read your messages

  • Banning users

    Allows you to block users from accessing the widget based on their IP address

Explore more


Use Flows to automate your conversations, sales, and processes. Ready to go with a few clicks.

  • Visual automation builder

    Intuitive, visual Flows builder - no coding skills needed

  • 35+ e-commerce templates

    Plug-and-play Flows scenarios to help you engage users and sell more

  • Flows in live conversations

    Create Flows and use them to save time during client conversations

  • Data collection

    Automatically collect important details from your clients

  • Post communication surveys

    Collect customer feedback after the chat ends

  • Responding when operators are busy

    Struggling to keep up with customer demand? Reply to your customers with pre-designed conversation Flows when your agents are busy

  • Saving abandoned carts

    Send pop-up messages to clients who abandoned their cart

  • Automating tasks in the background

    Use Flows to send data to other platforms

  • Scroll percentage trigger

    Trigger specific actions when a visitor reaches a certain page scroll depth

  • Mobile-specific actions

    Triger different paths for mobile users

Lyro AI Chatbot

Provide personalized support and solve up to 70% of customer problems with AI.

Lyro AI Chatbot
Lyro AI Chatbot
  • Easy setup

    Lyro doesn’t require training, so you can have it up and running in less than 3 minutes

  • Data-backed answers

    Lyro stays within the boundaries of your knowledge base to minimize hallucinations

  • Smart redirections

    Lyro redirects customers who ask for information outside its knowledge to your support department

  • Natural conversations

    Lyro offers detailed responses using solely your support knowledge, making the conversations feel natural

  • Analytics

    See Lyro’s answer rate and how many customer problems it solved

  • Time saved calculator

    Understand how much time Lyro saves your team every month

  • Playground

    See how Lyro will respond to customer questions and adapt your FAQs accordingly

  • Instant updates

    Update Lyro’s information and change the AI chatbot’s responses based on the new data in an instant

  • Conversation control

    Track Lyro’s conversations in real-time and jump in to add more information if needed

  • Multiple sources

    Update Lyro’s information using multiple information sources in different data formats

  • Missed questions

    Get a list of the questions Lyro didn’t answer so you can update its information

  • Tasks

    Lyro can check order statuses, create tickets, offer discounts, and handle even more customer problems

Order Management (for Shopify)

Use in-build Shopify actions during conversations. Understand your customers, reply faster, and recommend better.

Order Management (for Shopify)
Order Management (for Shopify)
  • Shopping cart preview

    See what your clients have in their carts in real time

  • Order history

    Check what your clients ordered in the past

  • Recommend products

    Search and send products directly from the chat window

  • Cancel order

    See your customers’ shopping history and cancel orders directly from the chat window.

  • Refund Order

    Refund orders directly from the Tidio panel

  • Add coupon codes

    Offer custom coupon codes without leaving the chat window

  • Check delivery zones (via Flows)

    Allow clients to check available order zones by themselves

Already convinced? Then get started

Free plan available. Easy installation in under 5 minutes.

Get started


Solve customer problems with ease. Track, tag, and prioritize tickets. Make your clients happy and improve your team's efficiency.

  • Tickets from chats

    Transform chat conversations into support tickets

  • Tickets from emails

    Transform emails into tickets

  • Tags

    Tag your tickets to keep them organized

  • Priorities

    Set priority levels to match the ticket's urgency

  • Manage operators' tickets

    Keep an eye on your operators' tickets

  • Check tickets' history

    Store all your tickets in one place so you can access them whenever you need

  • Switch ownership

    Change ticket ownership when needed


Redirect customers to the right person in your team - the one who knows best how to solve the customer's problem.

  • Grouping

    Split your operators into multiple departments

  • Notifications

    Notify only the relevant operator

  • Surveys

    Collect all essential information via the pre-chat survey to help your agent answer faster

  • Workload Optimizer

    Automatically assign new conversations to available agents

  • Auto Solve

    Automatically solve tickets when they’re done

  • Manual reassign

    Reassign chats to different departments if needed

  • Reassign with Flows

    Let users choose the department they want to contact with conversation Flows


Keep track of your team's performance. Make decisions based on reliable data.

  • Flows performance

    Check how your Flows perform

  • Conversation-related metrics

    Number of conversations, missed conversations, hourly occupation, first response time, time to close, and many more

  • Operators' performance

    Filter data by operators

  • Channel's performance

    Filter data by messaging channels

  • Improvement hints

    Get advice on how to improve particular metrics

  • Comparisons

    Compare data on charts

  • Satisfaction rate

    Check how people rate your conversations

  • Sales

    Measure your sales with Tidio

  • Leads

    Count collected leads with Tidio

Messaging Channels

Connect all messaging channels and make Tidio the central hub of your customer communication.

Messaging Channels
Messaging Channels
  • Email

    Handle all emails in one place and collaborate with your team

  • Instagram

    Respond to Instagram messages and stories' replies with live chat and automated Flows

  • Messenger

    Use live chat and Flows to talk to your clients on Messenger

  • Live Chat

    Amaze your clients with all live chat functionalities

  • WhatsApp

    Offer instant, 24/7 support on WhatsApp with conversation Flows

Sounds good? Try it out!

See how Tidio can help your business grow.


Adjust the look and feel of the widget to your branding to create a seamless experience.

  • Remove Tidio branding

    Our logo is very nice, but it's OK if you want to hide it.

  • Set widget position

    Left or right? Your call.

  • Chat visibility

    Set different widget behaviors per device and per site

  • Background color & picture

    Set custom colors and profile pictures

  • Offline visibility

    Turn the widget on or off based on your working hours

  • Welcome screen

    Customize the message users see when they open the chat window

  • Button sizes

    Set the button sizes to your liking

  • Permissions

    Limit the access your operators have to selected sections/features of your Tidio panel

  • Multilanguage

    Allows having the same widget displayed in multiple languages depending on the language set up in the visitor's browser

  • API documentation

    All your developers need to know to connect to/from Tidio via API

  • Script templates

    Script templates created by our developers that allow further adjustments


We're here to help you whenever you need. Our clients say that the support they receive is amazing. It's flattering and also true.

  • Email support

    24h/day, Mon-Fri

  • Live Chat support

    24h/day, Mon-Fri

  • Dedicated Customer Success Manager

    Our hands-on approach to growing your business with Tidio.

  • Account reviews

    Get reports on your account setup, performance, and insights

  • Training sessions

    Training for you and your team to get the best of Tidio

  • Flows building assistance

    Our teams work with you to set up complex Flows tailored to your business.

  • Dedicated implementation specialist

    Custom setup, bigger team? We'll have it covered.


Tidio is where you need it to be. Available on all popular platforms.

  • macOS app

  • Windows app

  • Browser

  • Android app

  • iOS app

Seamless integrations

Connect Tidio to your e-commerce platform and pair it with your current tech stack.

Seamless integrations
Seamless integrations
  • E-commerce platforms

    Shopify, Woocommerce, Wix, Magento, Shopware, and many other platforms

  • Emailing

    Klavyio, Mailchimp

  • CRM

    Hubspot, Agile CRM, Zoho CRM

  • Analytics

    Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics

  • Sales & marketing

    Hubspot, Zendesk, Pipedrive

  • OpenAPI

    Integrate Tidio with your data through OpenAPI to streamline processes and improve efficiency.

  • Zapier

    Connect almost anything via Zapier